Training for home

Training for home


The workout package includes various exercises chosen for daily workouts at home for 7 days


With concern for you!


Workouts at home are daily workout programs for all major muscle groups. With just a few minutes a day, you can pump up your muscles and improve your form without even having to go to the gym. You do not need trainers and equipment – all exercises are performed with your own weight.
Practice our programs and you’ll see results in just a few weeks!
How to train at home
Before you start a workout, first of all, you need to psychologically tune in to work. It is also necessary to observe a number of the following recommendations:

  • get enough sleep;
  • drink water;
  • eat right;
  • train regularly;
  • Choose a convenient time to exercise;
  • warm up and warm down;
  • train in athletic clothing;
  • ventilate the room;
  • do not eat too much food before training.

Exercise examples
for women

  • Moving to the bar from a standing position: warm-up
  • Lunges with leg switch: main part
  • Twists and turns
  • Push-ups
  • Lunges to the side with loads
  • Back lunges and dumbbell lifts

for men

  • Plank with pulling up the knees
  • Burpees and push-ups
  • Dynamic side plank
  • Forward and backward lunges
  • Curls with elbow to knee

The warm-up and stretching will help you perform the exercises as efficiently as possible. Animations and instructional videos for each exercise ensure that you get it right.

Have a great workout!

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